Monday, August 10, 2009

Kevin Garnett isn't who you think he is

Many people think Kevin Garnett is a superstar and that he competes with Kobe, Lebron and Shaq. I personally don't. Here are two players that were better.

1. Larry Bird- Almost dominantly the best Celtics player in history.

2. Bill Russell- 6'11 60's big blocker. Member of 60's Celtics Championship team.

As you notice I deemed KG 3rd on the list. The reason I did that was because of this dilemma. A #7 young Chicago team nearly beating a #2 Irish powerhouse in the first round of the 2009 NBA Playoffs. It just doesn't fit. He still has a little bit of dominance left in him. Let's wait till next year. His career's not over.

Please tell me what you think of this little "article". I would love to hear from you.


I can't wait for the Pats to win the Super Bowl!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Hello! How is everyone?

As you can see I have started a blog. I want to tell you what my blog is all about. I want it to be a light for Christ, first and foremost. I will share things that God has taught me during the day, kind of like an online journal. But, don't be surprised if I put pictures from a homeschool trip, or a little poem of some sort.

The reason I am saying things like "God" or "light for Christ" is because I believe that I am a sinner, and that I need to be reconciled to God. God is holy, which means he does not sin, and we do. The only bridge between that gap is Jesus Christ. He was a Nazarene, a man from Israel. He died on the cross and saved us from that sin. But he wasn't just crucified. He was flogged several times, had a crown of thorns on his head (and by the way, the thorns in the Middle East are very very sharp), and had a spear stuck in his side. He died right then and there with these last words, "It is finished." After three days two women, friends of Jesus, went to the tomb where Jesus was buried, and the stone sealing it was rolled away! An angel was sitting on top of it! They were deathly afraid. The angel said to not fear. He told them that Jesus wasn't there! They went in the tomb, and they saw that what the angel had said was true! Jesus had risen again, just like he said!

I want to go to heaven and live with my Savior forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Say those words aloud. Does it sound like a word has been repeated? The word is endeavor. Being a Christian is hard. People might make fun of you. But the reward for believing that Jesus died and rose again, and that he loves you, is going to heaven to live with him for ever and ever and ever and ever.